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Etsuko Furuya has a unique sense of style, and her designs are known and used world-wide in designer handbags and totes selling for hundreds of dollars. These fabrics are 55% linen / 45% cotton canvas and as such are fabulous for totes, handbags, purses, clothing, pillows and other small projects.This fabric: Echino Multi-Color Patches with Birds, 44" (111.76 cm) wide. The patchwork-looking squares on this fabric are approx 4" x 4" (10.16 x 10.16 cm) and the repeat is approximately 11.5 inches (29.21 cm) These fine Japanese screen prints on this wonderful sturdy fabric aren't your usual fabric, they're something special, and that is evident in the price as well as the design and the esthetic. Fun! Get some!